はろはろー👋🏻 ヘスティアハピネス(Hestia Happiness)ですよろしくお願いします😊
Speaks both Japanese and English so please feel free to comment in English 🙌🏻 💬
・GTA5のストーリーモードではなく、”ヘスティア ゴデス”というキャラクターになりきって遊んでいます。
・Kindly note that I am role-playing as “Hestia Goddess” under the Sutogura multi-player server.
・As there are other streamers involved, please restrict from mentioning other streamers’ perspectives or mine to others.
・Please note that I will not be able to reply to the comments. However, will be reading them to receive ideas and suggestions 🙂
Other than streaming, I sing covers too so check my playlist below! ✨
✨ Check out my playlists ✨
Cover: https://bit.ly/3gh7PiJ
Apex: https://bit.ly/3iYPLvB
✨Follow my Social Media✨
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HestiaHappiness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hestiahappiness
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hestiahappiness
I do not own any of the music used in this live stream:
1. [Future house] Author wind – Cute step by Author wind
Link: https://youtu.be/Qmn-EfLsAKg
2. Damon Empero ft. Veronica – Vacation [ King Step Release ] | Tropical House | | No Copyright | by DamonEmpero
Link: https://youtu.be/ALzvSPXmeh8
#初見大歓迎 #女性実況 #女性配信 #VTuberになりたい